About us

myFrameBook is an online directory of picture frame mouldings.

It contains a huge selection of mouldings and the wide range of search parameters will enable you to target the best mouldings for the job.

You can save your chosen picture frame mouldings to a myFrameBook project which you can share with other myFrameBook users and you can also email your projects.

If you are a picture framing business or art gallery then use myFrameBook to search for frame mouldings with your customers and build projects to share with them.

If you are an interior designer use myFrameBook to explore the creative possibilities for framing art for your rooms, then compile your ideas into a project to share with your clients.

And you don't need to be a picture framing professional to make use of myFrameBook! Even if you just want to frame one picture, simply compile a project of your favourite frame mouldings, print it off and take it to your local framer. Or if you prefer, share it online or email it.

The possibilities are endless but however you choose to use myFrameBook, it will soon become an invaluable tool.


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